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Labor Day Parade Program 2024 Fi

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Message JIM & SUE SHORTT  2024 GRAND MARSHALSNewtown Labor Day Parade • September 2, 2024Garden of Plentyingersollautoofdanbury.comnewtownctlabordayparade.orgTITLE SPONSORmaplewoodseniorliving.comnewtownctrotary.orgteamsters1150.orgsbdanbury.comClub of NewtownChartered in •

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PRESENTATION OF OUR NATION'S COLORS 9:55 a.m.• Susan Lang - Flagpole• Alex Kirkman - Queen StreetPlease stand and salute the American Flag ANY time it passes during the parade!e line-up is subject to change.Scan this code for the current @NewtownCTParadeESCORT DIVISION 2 - Academy Lane1. e Great American Fife & Drum2. First Selectman Je Capeci 3. Selectman Dan Cruson Jr4. Selectman Michelle Embree Ku5. Second Company Governor's Horse Guard6. Newtown Democratic Committee, Elected Ocials, Candidates & ose Aliated7. Newtown Republican Committee, Elected Ocials, Candidates & ose Aliated8. Newtown Independent Political Parties, Elected Ocials & ose Aliated9. State and Local PoliticiansESCORT DIVISION 177 Main Street1. Newtown Police Department2. Newtown Police Department Honor Guard3. Newtown High School Marching Band & Color Guard4. Grand Marshals Jim & Sue Shortt Escorted By: Chris Locke5. Parade Judgesa. Janet Volmerb. eresa Salvatorec. Eileen Marchesed. Lee Paulsone. Chris Locke6. Newtown Volunteer Ambulance7. Newtown Savings Bank - Title Sponsor8. Mary Hawley Award Winner Mr. Gordon Williams9. Ingersoll Auto10. Maplewood Senior Living at Newtown - Platinum Sponsor11. Teamsters Local 1150 - Platinum Sponsor12. Savings Bank of Danbury13. Newtown Rotary Club14. Dental Associates15. Newtown Hardware16. Newtown Pools17. Newtown Lions Clube 62nd annual Newtown Labor Day Parade Honorary Grand Marshals are Jim & Sue Shortt.Jim & Sue are the owners of Shortt's Farm, a beautiful 6-acre, USDA-certied organic vegetable farm located at 52 Riverside Rd, Sandy Hook, Connecticut. e farm is an old fashioned, family-run business, and they hope to continue the tradition for many years. ey have been an integral part of our community for years.Garden of Plentyis year we posthumously honor Mr. William Brimmer. Bill was a longtime community resident with many accomplishments throughout his career and within the community. Bill was an essential part of e Newtown Labor Day Parade.We will miss Bill tremendously and oer our continued thoughts and prayers to Bills family, his many friends and colleagues.

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DIVISION 4 - Currituck Road1. Connecticut Alumni Drum & Bugle Corps (Stage at 77 Main Street) 2. Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company 3. Newtown Cultural Arts Commission 4. Bright Path Newtown 5. Neil Diamond Escorted by North County Landscape Management 6. Tap & Pony Mobile 7. Danbury Junior Hat Tricks Hockey 8. Sporre Tree Service 9. Newtown Tractors 10. Rolling Billboard 11. Mattatuck Drum Band 12. Newtown Hook & Ladder Volunteer Fire Co. 13. e Tappan Zee Bridgemen 14. Stony Hill Fire DepartmentsDIVISION 3 - Martin Street 1. Sons of Portugal2. Dodgingtown Volunteer Fire Company 3. Spotlight Dance Conservatory 4. Newtown High School Wrestling 5. Newtown Youth Wrestling 6. Immaculate Heart of Mary Folklore Group 7. Railroad Museum of New England 8. BSA of Newtown 9. Newtown Congregational Church 10. Cub Scout Pack 270 11. Cub Scout Pack 470 12. Tina Turner escorted by North County Land-scape Management 13. Newtown Baseball 9U Hawks 14. Newtown Baseball 10U Hawks DIVISION 2 - Currituck Road1. Mattatuck Drum Band 2. Botsford Fire Rescue 3. New Heights Baptist Church 4. Baum Braces 5. Fiesta Del Norte escorted by North County Landscape Management 6. Pyramid Shriner Motor Patrol 7. Around Town Team 8. World Champion Taekwondo 9. Hearts of Hope-Newtown 10. Rolling Billboard Dave Rosato 11. Edmond Town Hall 12. Newtown Underwater Search and Rescue 13. Porco’s Karate Academy 14. Pixie Dust 15. Elvis Presley Escorted by Robb Rozz Plumbing 16. Jim Paprowski with Mayor of South Main Street Danny Amaral (1931 Ford Classic) 17. Bob Miranti 1931 Classic Car 18. Reach Car Club Classic Cars 19. Newtown Forest Association 20. Herbs Love & Yoga School of Herbal Medicine 21. FAITH Food Pantry 22. Plato's Closet DIVISION 1 - Johnny Cake Lane1. Gaelic Highland Pipe Band2. Hawleyville Volunteer Fire Company3. CT Tiare Polynesian Dance Troupe Escorted By: DH Schenzer Construction4. Friends of Newtown Seniors5. Miss Connecticut Teen Camryn Patton Escorted By REACH Car Club6. Miss Connecticut Monica Fenwick Escorted By: Jerry Cullen7. Taylor Adams International Woman of Service Mrs. 2024 Escorted By REACH8. Pyramid Legion of Honor9. 2nd Company Volunteer Heavy Artillery Reenactment Group10. American Legion Post 202 & Aliates11. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 30812. Hope on Main Street13. Newtown Centre of Classical Ballet & Voice14. Jack Drake Western Connecticut Weatherman with Sir Warren Drake Escorted By: REACH Car Club15. e Exceptional Sidekick erapy Dogs16. Families United in Newtown17. Newtown United Methodist Church18. Newtown Stage Company19. EverWonder Children’s Museum20. Newtown-Strong erapy Dogs21. Lathrop School of Dance22. St. Rose of Lima School & Church

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dentalassociates.uscaraluzzis.comPATRONS• Kevin Corey• Porco Karate Academy• Carolyn Cruson• George Rowland• Mark Maruschak• Elizabeth Iannini• Ed & Arline Shanley• Judy Rowley• Barbara Richardson• Danielle Shah• Dottie Dellapiano• Bill & Tricia EderFLAGPOLE SPONSORS• Attorney Robert H. Hall• Margot S. Hall Judge of Probate ( Retired) • Honan Funeral Home• New Heights Baptist Church• Newtown Lions Club• Newtown Smile Dentistry• Troy Security Systems• North Country Landscape Management• Allstar Transportation Newtown• Wallace Wealth Management at Steward PartnersSUNSHINE SPONSORS• Baum Braces• Church Hill Physical erapy• Maureen Will• Merry Hill Childcare Center• NORCOM CT• e Toy TreeEVENT SPONSORSPARADE ROUTE SPONSORS• Around Town Real Estate• Hearts of Hope Newtown• Newtown Forest Association• Newtown Women’s Club, GFWC, Inc.• Plato’s Closet• Tap & Pony Mobile Bar• Rob Rozz Well & Pump Service• DH Schenzer Construction• St. Rose of Lima SchoolThank You To All Of Our Sponsors!